The symposium

This symposium aims to share knowledge and bring together scientists and professionals around the interdisciplinary topic of small pelagic fishes and their industries.
It will be based on the presentation of results from basic and applied research projects that consider small pelagics as a central compartment of the socio-ecosystem: OMEGA (Flagship IsBlue), DEFIPEL (FFP funded), FORESEA (DS IFREMER funded) and DELMOGES (MTE, DGAMPA and FFP funded), all four of which will end in 2024 or 2025.

  • DEFIPEL focuses on all the components (habitat, resource, fishery, downstream industry) of the French small pelagic socio-ecosystem, concentrating on their dynamics and interactions.
  • OMEGA focuses on the supply and demand of omega-3 fatty acids at the international level and in the context of global change.
  • FORESEA aims, among other things, to understand the role of intermediate trophic levels (i.e. zooplankton) as suppliers of proteins and fatty acids to small pelagics and humans, and to develop prospective scenarios for the supply of seafood products by French commercial fishing up to 2050 in the context of global change, with sardines representing a significant proportion of French landings.

DELMOGES provides new insights into the mechanisms behind the incidental capture of common dolphins in the Bay of Biscay, with a strong hypothesis on the impact of changes in the communities of small pelagic fish that make up the bulk of the diet of this species

These projects are all based on an interdisciplinary methodology (ecology, economics and sociology) and are highly complementary when it comes to analyzing the impact of environmental and anthropogenic changes on the resilience of pelagic ecosystems and related industries and services. 

4 thematic sessions, 1 poster session, 1 round table

 A special issue of Aquatic Living Resources ("Diamond" open access journal) is planned.

Key dates:

    Abstracts can be submitted until October 15, 2024
    Registrations possible until February 28, 2025, with preferential rates until January 31, 2025
        student rate: €150 until January 31; €200 between January 31 and February 28
        others (non-students): €200 until January 31; €250 between January 31 and February 28

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